Read the Prologue from my Upcoming ‘Untitled’ Release <3

by | Jul 2, 2024

*subject to change before publication*



My mother is six minutes and twenty-eight seconds away from ruining my life.  

Then again, this won’t be her first time. She has a unique way of unleashing destructive magic whenever I least expect it. 

I can’t help but remember the day she showed up drunk to parent-teacher night and called my writing professor a “jealous, hag-faced bitch for giving my daughter anything less than an ‘A plus!’” 

There was also the time she randomly announced how she was “so freakin’ proud” of me for graduating high school with my “hymen still intact” during a college tour. (That incident went viral on YouTube.)

Then again, those moments are fleeting and easily forgiven with time. 

Today’s event won’t be

I’m standing behind her at the altar, dressed in an itchy turquoise gown, and listening to her recite wedding vows. 

The filthy rich groom will be her second husband, her second chance at a fairytale. (For what it’s worth, she’s his third-time charm.) 

Since the words “loyal” and “forever” sound foreign falling from her lips, I focus my attention on the best man. 

His deep grey eyes are stunning as always, but they can’t conceal his suffering. Despite being the most beautiful man I’ve ever met, he looks as miserable as I feel. 

Hours ago, he was thrusting his fingers deep inside me while my body writhed under his. His lips were coaxing kisses from mine, whispering promises we both knew he couldn’t keep. 

I struggled to hold back tears when he begged me not to come to this wedding, when he told me we should leave and start a new life together, but my heart has always been defenseless in wars with my brain.

I know he’s meant to be mine, that every part of me is meant to be his, but I can’t wrap my head around how ‘we’ could allow that to happen right now. 

Maybe we’ll work out in another lifetime…

“You may now kiss the bride,” the pastor suddenly announces, shattering my thoughts. 

Say something, Emily.  Say something, anything.

The groom wraps his arms around my mother’s waist and kisses her, permanently destroying all possibilities of me tasting the best man’s lips again.

Our chances of being together are forever lost. 

He’s officially my stepbrother.

Pre-order Untitled: A Stepbrother Romance via Amazon

Also, in case you missed it, I have other books on pre-order as well!

Dirty Judge (contemporary spicy romance)

The Office Games (holiday romance)


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