The F.L.Y. Store “Warehouse”: A Super Quick Tour

by | Jun 19, 2024

Happy Wednesdayyyy!

I’ve settled into my office with coffee for a long night of writing, butttt I wanted to take a few seconds to give you a TOUR of The F.L.Y. Store. <–This is where I sign and ship all my print books since most are unavailable on Amazon.

Between you and me, I call this place a “warehouse” because one day, I believe that’s what it’ll be: A HUGE rustic book space with pink accents and glittering chandeliers, along with a coffee shop where I can meet the best readers ever. (A girl can DREAM!)

But um….right now, it’s just a room in my house with a bookshelf, seating, a table, and a lamp.

No, I’m not kidding. 🙂

Here it is!

(Sidenote: My best friend Nicole comes over often to ensure this room/the stock stays in check. She’s the reason why I’m able to sign/ship efficiently. Thank you, Nicole!)

I only keep a few books on the shelf at a time for space reasons, but all the extras are in the closet with the pretty packaging. I have a simple label printer (a cordless Wi-Fi one is on my Christmas list this year *fingers crossed*), but whenever it decides to have an off day, I go old school with basic shipping tape and a printed sheet.

Oh, and I keep all the stickers in baskets on the top shelf because a certain someone did this when they were on the low shelf:

Anyway, that’s it! The “warehouse” tour for The F.L.Y. Store. 🙂

I’m hoping to find some artwork for the walls + a pretty area rug + curtains that are *not* white because I can foresee peanut butter fingerprints, but whenever that happens, I’ll share the updates!

Thank you SOOO EFFIN MUCH to every. single. awesome. reader. who has ever ordered a signed/print book from me. It means THE WORLD! <3

F.L.Y. + Off to write!

(Effin Love You)



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