Title & Blurb Reveal: Pretty Cruel Love

Title & Blurb Reveal: Pretty Cruel Love

From New York Times bestselling author Whitney G. comes an intense and intoxicating thriller with a sensual twist. Sadie Pretty has spent the last several years of her life behind bars, wrongfully convicted of first-degree murder. Upon being considered for parole,...
It’s that time of year again! (Holiday reading <3)

It’s that time of year again! (Holiday reading <3)

If you want to jumpstart the holiday season, this spicy office romance novella (packed with spice + tons of hilarious moments) may do the trick!  I’m including the link + full synopsis below! One-click The Office Party Synopsis: I can’t believe that I...
Random: My 36th Birthday Recap (pics!) <3 <3 <3

Random: My 36th Birthday Recap (pics!) <3 <3 <3

Sooo last month, I turned 36 years old. (I still can’t believe it!) In years past, I would spend an entire month celebrating my birthday, but after one week into October, I hadn’t done a single thing. I hadn’t even mentioned it. My friends and family...
Freebie: Whenever You Need a Quick Read Over Morning Coffee

Freebie: Whenever You Need a Quick Read Over Morning Coffee

One of my favorite things is reading a short story or essay over a steamyhot cup of coffee. Years ago, I penned a short series of novellas for anyone who enjoys that, too. <3 If you’re into suited billionaires and feisty heroines with a penchant for sarcasm,...