This Week So Far: Writing, Gardening, and Letting Stuff Go (Pics)

This Week So Far: Writing, Gardening, and Letting Stuff Go (Pics)

Sooo this week has probably been one of the most productive weeks I’ve had all year, but GAHHHHH…There’s still so much to do!  Alas, on Monday & Tuesday, I started repotting some thuja trees, and Baby G decided she wanted to “help.” I believe she got more dirt in...
The F.L.Y. Store “Warehouse”: A Super Quick Tour

The F.L.Y. Store “Warehouse”: A Super Quick Tour

Happy Wednesdayyyy! I’ve settled into my office with coffee for a long night of writing, butttt I wanted to take a few seconds to give you a TOUR of The F.L.Y. Store. <–This is where I sign and ship all my print books since most are unavailable on...