Baby G Birthday Recap (#2)

Baby G Birthday Recap (#2)

Sooo we managed to sneak Baby G’s party into the waning days of January! I’ve been CONSUMED with Pretty Cruel Love & Whimstery that I forgot to update you about it. GAHHH! If you missed her actual birthday, it’s here, but below are the set up,...
Baby G Birthday Recap (#1)

Baby G Birthday Recap (#1)

SQUEEEE! Today is Baby G’s birthday! *throws glitter* The weather has been pretty effin COLD & SNOWY lately, so we decided to hold off on making any party plans until we had a decent snapshot of the forecast. (Last year, we had to celebrate her birthday in...
Holiday Recap: Cinderella, Cookies, Barney, and Rest! <3

Holiday Recap: Cinderella, Cookies, Barney, and Rest! <3

The 2024 holiday season was the first in over a decade that I took “off” and set aside all my work. Ironically, my brain buzzed with brand-new book ideas every few hours, and I had to mentally whisper, “OMG pleaseee hold onto that for me until...
Quick Flashback: Baby Shower for Baby G. <3

Quick Flashback: Baby Shower for Baby G. <3

Happy Wednesdayyy! I was randomly scrolling through some ‘This time two years ago’ photos and stumbled across a small album from my shower for “Baby G.” OMG, it’s hard to believe it was only two years ago! Anyway, the theme was...
Motherhood Over Books…

Motherhood Over Books…

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had to set aside my “Author Whitney G” hat and put on my “You’re a Mom, Deal with it” one instead. I also started questioning influencers I once followed about “You can totally DO IT ALL as a Mom!” “Motherhood fit sooo seamlessly into my...