Soooo today (& tomorrow), I’m reading the final files for the very first romance podcast that will hit Whimstery: Sincerely (or, so I thought) Yours.
I’m also listening to them via ‘text-to-speech’ for the last time before sending everything to the awesome narrators for production. Although I can’t reveal much about this story yet, I CAN tell you that this podcast features my favorite thing ever: BANTER.
If you’ve read my books, you know that I can never get enough of sexy dialogue & snappy ‘back and forth’ between characters (I need to compile my favorite exchanges one day), and this couple has a sarcastic & sexy rhythm all their own. 🙂
Okay, I’m rambling. Logging off to listen to the story!
Happy Monday + F.L.Y.
P.S. If you want a special Whimstery sticker for your morning coffee cup (or wherever you use your stickers <3 ), you can purchase one here.