This Weekend’s Writing Checklist and Such…

by | Jun 22, 2024

  1. Post a new episode of Fated Love with You + prepare the other new episodes so I can catch up where we left off in the coming days.
  2. Work on six chapters of an upcoming sexy book I’m releasing next month.
  3. PRINT the opening chapters for this upcoming sexy book and read them on paper
  4. Sign bookplates/books for awesome readers who ordered The Other Belle from The F.L.Y. Store.
  5. Prepare a newsletter that will reveal a bit more about the book.
  6. Oh, and remind whoever is reading this that I’m writing a thriller under a pen name, so if you want to know more about it before it releases, make sure you’re all signed up here since it’ll be separate from “Whitney G.” <3

F.L.Y. + Happy Weekend!

Lots and lots of more stuff to do!



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