Title & Blurb Reveal: Pretty Cruel Love

by | Nov 9, 2024

From New York Times bestselling author Whitney G. comes an intense and intoxicating thriller with a sensual twist.

Sadie Pretty has spent the last several years of her life behind bars, wrongfully convicted of first-degree murder. Upon being considered for parole, she’s sent to an experimental program with esteemed Doctor Ethan Weiss.

Two weeks in a secluded cabin is all he needs to determine if she’s a risk to society, but every minute spent with her makes him question his own morals, and before he knows it, he’s crossing the line in more ways than one…


Intriguinggggg, right? 🙂 

I hope this sounds like something you’ll LOVE and I can’t wait to get it into your hands! (If you loved TurbulenceThe Empire of Lies trilogy, or Wasted Love, you’ll probably love this one, too. 🙂 )

Sneak Peek #2 of the mood board is below, and if you missed the first sneak peek, you can find it here.

Sincerely + F.L.Y. 



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